Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another day on standby.

June 4, 2011.
After making our 6am call to see the status of the rig we found we had another day on standby. Wayne, and i decided this would be as good a day as any to head to the Apollonian ruins. we wandered downtown and found a cab, said apollonia, waved $10, and off we headed the 10km from town to the ruins. When we arrived we did our best to communicate for the drive to wait for us, as Taxis are hard to come by.
to Quote Wikipedia: "Apollonia was an ancient Greek[1] city in Illyria, located on the right bank of the Aous river (modern-day Vjosë). Its ruins are situated in the Fier region, near the village of Pojani, in modern-day Albania. Apollonia was founded in 588 BCE by Greek colonists from Corfu and Corinth,[2] on a site initially occupied by Illyrian tribes[3] and was perhaps the most important of the several classical towns known as Apollonia. Apollonia flourished in the Roman period and was home to a renowned school of philosophy, but began to decline in the 3rd century AD when its harbor started silting up as a result of an earthquake. It was abandoned by the end of Late Antiquity"

The Saint Mary Church part of the Ardenica Monastery on site houses some of the unearthed ruins.

After a self guided tour of the ruins, we returned to where we left our cab. Only to find no cab. We wandered down the hill, and talked to the man operating the front gates. After a large game of what could have been observed to be charades, and a wave of $10, words Fier and Taxi, the gate operator convinced the man selling cotton candy (dead serious) to unhitch the cotton candy machine from his car battery, and drive us back into Fier. We got dropped at the main traffic circle and decided it was time for a little lunch. We headed to what is referred to as the library.

Where i had probably the best Greek salad,

and a really good chicken tortellini.

Wayne at lunch

We ended the day, with a game of Texas hold em with the boys (i won one of the two games!). Then  i headed off to bed, hoping that tomorrow we might actually drill a couple meters.

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